Monday, November 26, 2007 Future updates [Edit]

Well, decided i don't want a WHMG club, besides, its illegal. GOING to redo everypage, though most, if not all don't even have anything on. I need to change the WHMG tab to a BLOG tab. Shouldn't be hard.

Gonna focus on that for a bit, look out here and the website for future updates.

EDIT: Changed website, still some stuff todo, need to add it to every page.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

HouseholdHacker upcoming YouTube star!

HouseholdHacker (LINK), a geek team consisting of 2 guys, that make near-usefull stuff, from everyday items. Sure, most of the things they do is uterly point less. But it sure is fun to watch how they make them. Theres alot more video's that'll be rolling out from this duo, watch out!

New? Nokia Phone

Nokia's most uglyiest idea for a phone ever, and i thought the Nokia N93 was ugly. The patent for this was leaked, dunno how though.
If it comes out, which i hope it dosen't, how much will it be? Time will tell. But, if your found to have one of these in the near future, i wouldn't use it in public, because people would pay a mugger to nik it, and smash it. Lol.


Took a pissing long time, but i've finally got a working blog, pitty i couldn't put it on the domain.